When you use a script-driven application on your website and all of the content that you create is stored in a database, your web hosting package should come with a sufficient amount of database storage space, to make sure that even when the website expands, you won't experience any kind of difficulties as a result of the shortage of space. PostgreSQL is a good example of a well-known database management system that's used for numerous scalable web applications and if you want top-notch performance and security for your website, it is more than likely that you'll take advantage of this system. With this in mind, you'll need a web hosting package that will not restrict your world wide web presence, especially if you want to manage various sites and each of them works with PostgreSQL databases.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Cloud Hosting

All of our Linux cloud hosting were designed with the concept to give you the chance to select the ideal features depending on what websites you would like to host. If you don't need PostgreSQL databases, for example, you can choose a plan which does not contain this system by default. In case you change your mind subsequently or if you'd like to have PostgreSQL from the very beginning, you can always obtain one of the packages that come with PostgreSQL support. All of the packages come with a considerable amount of storage space for your databases, so that even when your sites develop, you won't have any kind of problems, as some packages come even with unrestricted space. For the entry-level packages, the PostgreSQL storage can be upgraded with just a few clicks through the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Semi-dedicated Hosting

When you obtain one of our Linux semi-dedicated hosting services, you can manage PostgreSQL websites without worrying that you can get to any kind of restriction for the volume of your databases, for the simple fact that there isn't such a limit. With our cloud hosting platform, a separate cluster of servers manages your databases, which means that in case additional computing power or database storage is necessary at any moment, we simply attach extra servers or hard disks. In contrast to other providers, we do not manage everything on the very same server. Our plans are quite powerful and make it possible for you to run heavy, resource-demanding websites, so we've made sure that the PostgreSQL database storage space attribute matches all the rest of the capabilities. The Hepsia web hosting Control Panel that is provided with the semi-dedicated accounts allows you to check out the size of each and every PostgreSQL database that you have plus the full size of all of the databases, and these numbers are accessible solely for your own information.